Friday, October 7, 2016


          Most people have resigned themselves to working for money. No one wants to be poor, But the fact still remains that whether you work for money or money works for you, we all have to work in one way or the other to earn money.
          Life cannot become one endless vacation because one will get bored to death. For some, financial freedom comes when money works for you but true financial freedom comes when you do what you love and love what you do. You do it for love and make money as you do it.
          The word Work conjures a lot of unpleasant feelings in many. The word is linked to misery, pain, suffering, confinement. With these feelings, most look at work as a necessary Way to earn money to pay for your bills and and keep body and soul together. These feelings give rise to the euphoria behind the phrase " thank God its Friday" TGIF. we love vacation, Fridays, public holiday, pay days. Anything that will keep you away from work and hate Mondays. The thought of work alone evokes the feelings of returning to prison.
          This raises the question: is it possible for one to do what you love and make money out of it at the same time?. The answer is YES. For instance celebrities from all fields of endeavor. They found their place in the scheme of things. When you love what you do and are at your best at what you do, you excel easily without to much sweat and stress. Excellence is not far away from this point.
           If you do not love your work, it is time to move on. You are a misfit, find your right fit while waiting to make the switch, you may want to start Looking at your present work in a new light. A new attitude and perspective may be all you need to start loving the work you do. If it is really not what you love, you need to know who you are and what makes you come alive. You cannot find what you don't know.
 You may feel that what you love will not put money on the table right now. This means that the skills you have for what you Love is still at the raw stage. There is a millionaire somewhere in the world doing exactly what you love. Endure your prison terms While you hone your skills to the level that you can make sufficient money to kiss your boss goodbye. It will not happen overnight. You need the commitment, focus and persistence to pull through. Being a star in any field does not come cheap.

By Flawlex eany

1 comment:

  1. Exactly I can relate with this piece. Money is very important, but I prefer it more when I enjoy what I'm doing
